The Foundation of IAN in 1986
Brief Introduction of Animal Nutrition Institute
Animal Nutrition Institute (ANI), found in 1986, has grown from the Teaching Group of Animal Feeding dating from Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary of Sichuan Agricultural College established in 1962. The institute began to recruit postgraduates in 1963 and doctoral candidates in 1984. The discipline “Animal Nutrition and Feed Science” in ANI was approved as the national key discipline three times in 1989, 2001, and 2007 respectively. In education, the mission of ANI is to train the bachelors, masters, Ph.Ds and postdoctoral fellows in animal nutrition and feed science. The main research areas of ANI focus on the nutrient requirement of swine, poultry, ruminants and aquatic, nutrient metabolism and regulation, feed nutritional value evaluation, feed processing and formulation, and interdisciplinary areas including disease-resistant nutrition, molecular nutrition, and microecological nutrition.
ANI relocated to Chengdu Campus of Sichuan Agricultural University in 2011,the main part combining with Ya’an Campus. Now ANI is the first batch of Changjiang Scholarship Program approved by Ministry of Education of China (MOE). The laboratory is the key laboratory authorized by MOE, Ministry of Agriculture of China (MOA) and Sichuan Province. The faculty of ANI is titled as the National Teaching Team, National Experimental, Teaching and Demonstration Center of Animal Science, Innovation Team of MOE, MOA, and Ministry of Science & Technology of China. In 2013, ANI became the 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center of Sichuan Province for Pig Production.
There are 66 full-time faculty members and staffs in ANI, including 29 professors, 14 associate professors, 23 supervisors for Ph.D and 45 supervisors for master. There are many distinguished professors including one National Distinguished Famous Teacher, four candidates of National "Hundred, Thousand, Ten Thousand" Talent Project, two National Young and Middle-age Expert with Outstanding Contribution, one Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China , nine senior experts with government special allowance from the State Council, four expert with outstanding contribution to Sichuan Province, nine Academic & Technical Leader of Sichuan Province, and three top-notch Youth Talents Plan of Sichuan Province.
The achievement in scientific research and teaching of ANI are fruitful. There are more than 40 prizes of Science and Technology Progress at the provincial level or above. Among them are six National Science and Technology Progress Prizes at 2nd level, one Great Science and Technology Achievement Prize of Sichuan , eleven at 1st level, eleven at 2nd level of Science and Technology Progress Prize of Sichuan Province, one prize of China Agricultural Science and Technology Progress at 2nd level. About 90% of the achievements have been transformed and extended successfully with more than 40 billion benefits. Also there are eight prizes of teaching achievements including three National Teaching Achievement at 2nd level, four at 1st level, one at 2nd level of provincial teaching achievement. Three doctoral dissertations were nominated as the national excellent doctoral dissertations.
ANI is very active at academic exchange and hosts international and national academic conferences periodically. The new model on Industry - Academy - Research cooperation has been explored to extensively cooperate with more than 20 domestic and foreign enterprises in about 50 projects. Over 30 doctoral working stations and 5 collaborative innovation research centers have been established with about 30 industries.
Address: 211 Hui Ming Road, Institute of Animal Nutrition, Sichuan Agricultural University, Wen Jiang, Chengdu city, Sichuan, P. R. China
Zipcode: 611130
Tel/Fax: 86-028-86290922
Website: http://yys.sicau.edu.cn/